Begin planting warm-season bedding plants, such as begonias, geraniums, gerbera daisies, coleus, marigolds, salvia and pentas. If your soil could use a boost, enrich it with Vital Earth compost and Fertilome Bedding Plant Food.
Cool-season annuals should be at their peak this month. Keep them flourishing by deadheading and fertilizing with Fertilome Bedding Plant Food.
Plant seeds of corn, cucumber, beans, peas, summer squash, snap beans, cantaloupe and watermelon. Transplant tomatoes and peppers. Improve your garden soil by incorporating Vital Earth compost.
Set aside a portion of your veggie garden or flower bed for herbs, such as basil, oregano, mint, sage, chives and rosemary.
Don’t dump your Easter lily after the holiday is past! Cut the bloom off after it fades and set the plant into a spot where it will receive morning sun and afternoon shade. It will go dormant in the summer but come back and bloom again next April or May.
Continue to plant roses, and fertilize established roses if you didn’t last month. We recommend Rose-tone organic plant food.
Continue a spray program to prevent blackspot on roses. We recommend Fertilome Systemic Fungicide or Rose Shield.
Wait until spring-blooming bulb foliage has turned yellow to remove it.
Watch the lawn for signs of brown patch, which often shows up during cool, wet weather. If it does, treat with Fertilome F-Stop.
Plant new perennials and fertilize established clumps with Fertilome Bedding Plant Food.
Dig and divide crowded perennials, such as Shasta daisies, black-eyed susans, phlox and purple coneflowers, early in the month.
Apply Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew if damage from snails and slugs occurs.
Fertilize azaleas and camellias after they have finished blooming. We recommend Fertilome plant food for azaleas and camellias or Holly-tone organic plant food.
Spray trees affected by scale insects with High Yield Systemic Insect Spray.
Watch azaleas for lacebugs. Symptoms: leaves are white and green speckled and the underside of the foliage has dark specks. Control them with Fertilome Triple Action or High Yield Systemic Insect Spray.