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February Garden Tips

Writer: Akin'sAkin's
  1. Apply Dimension pre-emergent herbicide to lawns and flower beds to stop weeds before they sprout. This must be done before soil temperatures reach 55 degrees.

  2. Plant new roses, and prune established plants. Shrub roses like Knockout Roses can be cut back by 1/3. Wait to prune climbers and once-bloomers, like many old garden roses, until after they flower.

  3. Clean and prepare flower and garden beds for spring. Be careful not to damage emerging perennials.

  4. Watch azaleas for lacebugs. You’ll know they are present if the leaves are white and green speckled and the underside of the foliage has dark specks. Control them with Fertilome Triple Action or Hi-Yield Systemic Insect Spray.

  5. Prune deciduous and evergreen plants that don’t flower in the spring.

  6. Trim dead growth on ornamental grasses before the new growth begins.

  7. Clip the dead leaves from cast iron plants, or cut them back to the ground if most of the foliage has become brown and ragged.

  8. Deadhead and fertilize cool-season plants like pansies, snapdragons and dianthus with Fertilome Bedding Plant Food.

  9. Plant Irish potatoes.

  10. Set out transplants of such cool-season veggies as broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce and onions.

  11. Plant seeds of tomatoes and peppers inside under lights so you’ll have transplants ready to set out in spring.

  12. Plant trees and shrubs to take advantage of cooler weather and spring rains as they settle into their new homes.

  13. Plant fruit trees and bushes, such as figs, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries.

  14. Purchase seeds for warm-season flowers and veggies while the selection is good.

  15. Get your soil tested. If amendments are required, a winter application will make them available for spring planting. We have LSU AgCenter soil test kits available.



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